revelation in the shower

leaning towards the edge of the bathtub,

i dip my fingers into the

bottle that reads MAN in deep red.

sometimes, when i run i break into clean straight lines

i spiral into rain, like a beautiful boy

with something to lose.

my hands against coarse hair

the lamp flickering off

i’ll hanging between two sheets

of blue floral wallpaper

banging gently against my wet

and withered skin

here i am breakable

i will shatter and

turn to flowers if you see me.

send gun control and gauze

writers haven’t discovered a word

for the thing taking root in my bones

when i stand in the second floor hallway.

perhaps they know prayer.

prayer can’t save you from this.

one day a gun will be stuck down your throat

at the wrong angle

fear will crawl through you

like a wet and wrong thing

you are cut open and left jagged

you are cradling your hands because they are all you have left

this is your last breath

and all you can taste are your own lungs

you will never be the same

Days on My End

You want me when I’m like this, dressed

in sweaters and rum.

Peel apart my hands and you’ll find

a man I made while sleeping.

He has a chest and forgiveness inside it.

God is my audience because

who else is going to punish me for wanting?

Stripped down to the skin I’m left with

and here’s what I own; an apple and yes

for a body. I can feel you smiling as you

leave. I spin around quickly because I am drunk

and thought I could catch you forgetting

me. Take me and confess. I will crawl to

your back while you put one foot out the door

and the other in my mouth. I remember every

mirror we have shattered and marked

the spots I would have hurt you. One

of the best things I ever told you was that

I am meant to be alone. Rage is a big

house meant for one; me, a man,

and you, my memory. Inside of

everything you are there, reminding

me of who I will return to. So I will fall

asleep in the waiting room.

Nothing ended.

Nothing begun.

Nothing resolved.

Jude Armstrong, a young poet, is the founding editor-in-chief of Verum Literary Press. They have been published or are forthcoming in fifth wheel press, eggplant tears, Block Party Mag, renaissance review, and more.


