The Butterfly Bleeds
Knife twists Deep
Flowersap Seep
Choked by Foul Weeds
The Butterfly Bleeds
Sword cuts Sharp
Slices Light from Dark
Fuck the Children’s Needs
For the Butterfly Bleeds
Neck Stretch High
Grasps Air from Sky
Cut by Razor Vines
Velvet Torrent Shines
Stems Tear and Twist
Sharp Iron Kissed
All the World Succeeds
When the Butterfly Bleeds
Mike Hickman is a writer from York, England. He has written for Off the Rock Productions (stage and audio), including a recent play about Groucho Marx. He has been published in EllipsisZine, the South Shore Art and Literary Review, Bitchin’ Kitsch, the Cabinet of Heed, the Potato Soup Journal, and Red Fez.